Nutrition Therapy


What to Expect

Our first meeting—typically called an initial assessment—lasts roughly 60-90 minutes. During this assessment, we will begin to review your medical and nutritional history, your goals for treatment and ways to support you with dietetic services. If anything feels too challenging to review in the first session or during the course of our work together, you can always pause a conversation or topic.

Follow-up sessions, which are the meetings following the initial assessment, run between 30-60 minutes. During follow-up sessions, we can review nutrition-, health- and body-related challenges and successes, create and hone nutrition-related skills, and provide evidence-based nutrition recommendations, when appropriate. Topics can range widely, from feeling stuck week-to-week in a food rut to working on long-term body image. We may also discuss topics like relearning how to honor hunger and fullness cues and learning about eating diverse foods to meet micronutrient needs.

Getting Started—Book a 15-Minute Consultation

Unsure where to start? Book a free, 15-minute consultation, which will allow us to make sure my services and expertise match your needs. To schedule an initial consultation, please fill out the contact form here or email me at When reaching out, please be advised it may take 1-2 business days to receive a response.

Payment Options

I am credentialed through Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Massachusetts. If you have another insurance carrier, I can provide a Superbill, which may enable you to receive some reimbursement. If there is a co-pay for your BCBS of MA plan or you are paying out-of-pocket, I accept all major credit cards and HSA/FSA cards.


Unfortunately, all sessions are held via HIPAA-compliant Zoom at this time. Should in-person sessions resume, clients may have the option to meet over telehealth or in-person in the Boston-Metro office.

“If you don’t love it, don’t eat it, and if you love it, savor it.”

- Evelyn Tribole